The Edmonton International Cat Festival is excited to ameownce that Alberta’s biggest celebration of cats, cat culture, and cat people, raising money for cat rescues, is returning for the first-time ever as a TWO-DAY Virtual Weekend Event on May 29 & 30, 2021.
100% proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to Edmonton area cat rescues.
NEW at this May 29 & 30, 2021 Edmonton Cat Festival:
It’s a TWO-DAY weekend! Cat Festivals have always been one day (Caturday) in previous years but this year we’re offering festival purr-gramming over both days of the final weekend in May: May 29 & 30, 2021.
- BINGE YOUR OWN CAT FEST! Your virtual Cat Festival ticket gets you access to both days live purr-gramming (10 a.m. to 2 p.m.) as well as up to three weeks of ‘Binge You Own Cat Fest’ recordings you can replay or tune in to to watch at your own pace if you missed a live session or want to re-watch a favourite session.
VIRTUAL VENDOR MARKETPLACE! New this year, we’re offering a virtual marketplace sponsored by ATB Financial (ATB Marketplace), where cat lovers can online shop all sorts of ameowzing cat-themed products and get products shipped directly to their door!
Settle in wherever you are for a variety of cat-themed live presentations, interactive workshops and so much more! This year’s purr-gramming will include new and old favourite sessions, all themed around CATS, CATS, CATS!
Tickets for the May 29 & 30, 2021 Cat Fest go on sale May 1, 2021.
Full virtual purr-gramming and CATivities will also be released on May 1, 2021.
Thanks to our early, confirmed sponsors:
Festival Sponsor
Homes Alive Pets
Virtual Vendor Marketplace Sponsor
ATB Financial
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