Pawsome Cat Safety Tips from Edmonton Animal Care & Control Centre

Did you know? Cats are the most popular pet in Canada (by a small margin), even amongst stiff competition from the canine population. They are smart, sassy and loving – when it suits them. They also have a tendency to create mischief and a desire to explore and can slide out a front door, or window when we least expect it.

In 2022, more than 2000 cats were admitted to the Animal Care & Control Centre, with approximately 11% successfully reunited with their owners. That left many looking for new homes through our partner rescues.

As an ongoing partner to the Edmonton Cat Festival, the city’s Animal Care & Control Centre wanted to share a few tips to help keep your feline companions safe whether indoors or out. 

Pet Licensing


Ensure that your cat’s identification is up-to-date.

Every cat has the potential to get lost or wander too far from home. Taking the time to ensure your information is up-to-date increases the likelihood of us being able to reunite you with your cat should it get lost.

  • Do you have a Cat Licence? In Edmonton, every cat over the age of 6 months is required to have a licence. Licences are $22 for fixed cats. Your license can be purchased online. In addition to your contact information you can also add an emergency contact.

Learn more about LICENCES

Did you know? Your cat license not only keeps your furry friend safe and increases the likelihood that should they become lost we’ll be able to return them to you but also helps provide food, shelter, medical care and enrichment to other animals coming through the shelter, supports local rescues and shelters, provides emergency fist-aid and veterinary care, funds low income spay/neuter programs, supports pet ownership education and APA enforcement and much more.

Microchip Cat


Did you know that your cat license includes a microchip? When you purchase your licence you can book an appointment for a microchip. A microchip is a small electronic chip enclosed in a glass cylinder that is about the same size as a grain of rice. Should your cat find themselves lost and found, they can be scanned for a microchip which will link them back to you.

Learn more about microchips

Spay/Neuter Your Cat.

Did you know that spaying or neutering your pets not only contributes to your pets health and well-being but also helps with the over-population issues our community faces every year?  Even indoor pets should be spayed or neutered as they can easily slip outdoors.



In the City of Edmonton, although cats are allowed to roam, they are safest at home. If your feline friend is eager to get outside and explore there are some alternatives you may wish to explore as opposed to letting them roam.

Build a Catio! A catio is a cat’s outdoor haven. You can choose a DIY using supplies purchased at Home Depot or check out a supplier like local company Hellas Catios.

Harness & Leash! Expose your feline friend to a harness and leash early and make exploring together part of your daily routine. Not only does it allow them to find routine but you both get some exercise. And who knows maybe one day you’ll find yourself embarking on mountain adventures like our friend Great Grams of Gary.

great grams of gary

Emergency Preparedness:  

Please ensure that you have incorporated your cat into your emergency plans!

You can’t control when an emergency will strike, but you can make sure you’re ready. Take the time to ensure that you have your pet’s licence and identification are up-to-date and that you have an emergency first aid kit (inclusive of photos of you and your pet).

Animal Care and Control Edmonton
We hope you found these pawsome cat safety tips helpful!  

Animal Care & Control Centre is a proud sponsor of the Edmonton International Cat Festival  and we look forward to seeing you all next year.

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