New to the 2016 Edmonton International Cat Festival is the launch of the Cats of Edmonton photo book.
This beautiful, 9×9, hard-cover, full-colour, 100-page coffee table photo book is being produced by Cat Festival founder Linda Hoang and local Edmonton photographer Nanc Price, and features photos and profiles on more than 100 cats in the Greater Edmonton area.
The goal is to have the books printed and be available for sale at the May 28 festival, with 100% of proceeds from the book going to support the Edmonton Humane Society, Little Cats Lost, and Zoe’s Animal Rescue.
But to do that, we need your help!
Help turn the book into reality! Contribute to our crowdfunding campaign. (Screenshot as of March 16, 2016)
We need $13,000 by March 27, 2016 in order to print the books in time for the festival.
We put together an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign to help raise the money needed for printing.
You can support this special book by contributing on the Indiegogo crowdfunding website.
Think of f it like a book pre-order – if you contribute at certain dollar levels, you also get more perks (including tickets to the festival – and so meow-ch more!)
- Crowdfunding is a way to generate funds for a project by asking the community to invest or contribute money online. A little bit from a lot of people goes a long way!
- Crowdfunding is a very common practice now (with websites like Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and GoFundMe, to name a few) and it’s safe.
- On Indiegogo, there are levels/rewards set up so people who contribute money at certain levels, will be guaranteed certain rewards back.
- In the case of Cats of Edmonton, we’ve split it up into several levels at different dollar values, with the $40 level (+shipping) being the one that gets you a physical copy of the book (and a few other perks).
If you choose higher levels, it will include multiple books / other perks, if you were buying for friends/family, etc. The Purr-fect Pair level ($100) has proved popular – where you get 2 copies of the book, 2 tickets to the Cat Festival, etc.
Check out our Cats of Edmonton campaign video below, and head to the Indiegogo crowdfunding page to contribute today!
We’re hopeful we can reach our goal and bring this unique book, featuring beautiful, local cats, to life!
Remember, 100% of proceeds from the book sales go right back to the festival – which donates right back to local cat rescues. It’s all for a good cause!
Please share the crowdfunding page with all of your cat loving friends!
We so appreciate your support.
– Linda Hoang and Nanc Price
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